A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH

All Blog Posts (162)

Rapture - caught up in cowardice!

shalom mishpacha, "All praises honor and glory continually to the Most High YHWH" our creator, our sustainer and from where all real blessings come, - baruk h'shem! and also "baruka ha'bo beh shem YHWH" ... blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH ->>> YAHushua.

                                                  I pray all is well or will be soon according to his will

In this very important message I feel the need to attempt to clear up ( because obviously many others…


Added by Shmanu YAH on July 10, 2013 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Gang related

shalom mishpacha, ALL praises, honor and glory to the most high YHWH, baruk h'shem! and "baruka habo b'shem YHWH", - "blessed is your coming in the name YHWH" @ ->>> Yahushua.

                                      I pray all is well and getting even better - each and every one.

In this brief message I'd like to look in the past for the purpose of bringing understanding to the present about much of the youth today's source of guidance...... their foolish friends! We are…


Added by Shmanu YAH on June 23, 2013 at 8:30pm — No Comments

The Generation that will NOT be saved

shalom l'kulam, "ALL praises and glory to the Most High YHWH" from where all true wisdom and knowledge originates and let us not forget: "baruka h'bo beh shem YHWH" - "blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH" @ YAHushua.

I 'd like to share this time around some info that may help give us understanding to forthwith motivate ourselves and those around us into righteous behaviour while we still can, or as the older folks used to say "better late than never". This is a very important…


Added by Shmanu YAH on June 10, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

the World's oldest profession?

shalom mishpacha, ALL praises, honor and glory to the most high YHWH, baruk h'shem! and "baruka habo b'shem YHWH" - "blessed is your coming in the name YHWH" @ Yahushua.

                                   I pray all is well and know it wil get better, todah YHWH

In this message constructed to bring honor through clarity I'd like to expose the foolishness of many of today's so-called intellectuals - that even through all their education and supposed knowledge, have still been…


Added by Shmanu YAH on May 24, 2013 at 5:35pm — 1 Comment

suspect does NOT fit the de"script"ion

shalom alychem - peace to all. "ALL praises, honor and glory to the most high YHWH !" and "baruka ha bo b'shem YHWH"- blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH @ Yahushua.

                                                          I pray all is well with you and yours.


In this expose' I'd like us to re-visit several scriptural references for the purpose of evaluating if the current people in the land of Israel are really the descendants of the past biblical times…


Added by Shmanu YAH on May 16, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments

whats your name and address?

shalom mishpacha, ALL praises to the most high YHWH and "baruka ha'bo beh shem YHWH", "blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH" ->>> Yahushua.

                                  I pray all is well with you and yours and will soon be even better.

In this very short inculcation I'd like us to re-examine some titles and designations that the mashiach Yahushua himself attributed to his followers so that we can look at ourselves in this hour and see IF we are deserving…


Added by Shmanu YAH on April 25, 2013 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Flesh and Blood can not........

shalom alychem, and "praises and glory to the Most High YHWH alone" - our King everlasting and from where all true wisdom and knowledge comes, - baruk h'shem! and baruka ha'bo b'shem YHWH ->>> Yahushua.

In this message I'm attempting to clear up a little confusion to some and much to others dealing with our current physical being and the coming Kingdom.

We can all understand in this society in which we were brought up that this body that houses our soul and our…


Added by Shmanu YAH on April 12, 2013 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

The upper room - shadow figure of the Kingdom

shalom mishpacha, baruk h'shem YHWH - weh baruka ha'bo beh shem YHWH , "blessed is your coming in the name YHWH" @ Yahushua.

                                          I pray all of you are well and your families also.


In this brief message this time around in what could still be called "the shadow figures series" I'd like to deal and reveal with the purpose of a session that the mashiach Yahushua had with his chosen talmadym aka "disciples" just before his betrayal and…


Added by Shmanu YAH on March 28, 2013 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Whats your motivation?

shalom alychem - peace be upon all. ALL praises and glory to the most high YHWH and "baruka ha'bo b'shem YHWH"- blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH ->>> Yahushua!.

                                          I sincerly pray all is well or know assuredly it will be soon.


In this attempt at examining what stimulates the spiritual thoughts of our hearts I'd like to first look into the catalyst of what stimulates us on a daily basis. From the time we wake up…


Added by Shmanu YAH on March 14, 2013 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

a Fuller under-STAIN-ing

shalom mishpacha, ALL praises to the most high YHWH and "baruka ha'bo beh shem YHWH", "blessed is your coming in the name YHWH" @ Yahushua.

I pray all is well with you and yours and will soon be even better.

In this breif message I'd like to clarify what seems to be just a metaphorical thought declaration that we have all read and probably spoken BUT may not have fully expounded on. The familiar declaration I'm referring to is "cleansed by his blood" or "cleansed the blood of…


Added by Shmanu YAH on February 24, 2013 at 11:28am — No Comments

call NO man Rabbi!

shalom mishpacha, baruk h'shem YHWH - weh baruka ha'bo beh h'shem YHWH , "blessed is your coming in the name YHWH" ->>> Yahushua!

I pray all is well with you and yours or will be soon.

In this attemp at articulating the words of the word made flesh ->>> Yahushua, I'd like to look at a title we have been bequiled into speaking but ought NOT speak out of our mouths - that title: "rabbi". We also still seem to be surrounded by those that seek other…


Added by Shmanu YAH on February 11, 2013 at 12:51pm — No Comments

can't light em up? - WATTS the problem?

shalom alechem, - peace unto you and "praises and glory to the Most High YHWH alone" - our King everlasting and from where all true wisdom and knowledge comes, - baruk h'shem! and baruka ha'bo b'shem YHWH ->>> Yahushua

In this brief message that seems more of a challenge I'd like us to examine IF our our light is shining as bright as it should be and how do we know?

First off before we get into that answer we must understand that the purpose of physical…


Added by Shmanu YAH on January 26, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Spiritual Israel vs. HIS right to choose!

shalom l'kulam, ALL praises to the most high YHWH and "baruka ha'bo beh shem YHWH" ......"blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH" @ Yahushua.

                                  I pray all is well and you are growing in your walk with YHWH.

In this easy to explain message I'd like to get some of us back on track and inline with the scriptures pertaining to a modern doctrine most of us have heard that has gained momentum but is against the directive of the most high YHWH. This…


Added by Shmanu YAH on January 13, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments

YOUR comfort zone

shalom mishpacha, "All praises honor and glory continually to the Most High YHWH" our creator, our sustainer and from where all fruitful blessings come, and baruka h'bo beh'h'shem YHWH ..... blessed the coming in the name of YHWH -> YAHushua.

In this particular and very brief inculcation I'd like us to seriously examine another issue that vexes some of us and our loved ones, the overall unprofitable behaviour of: seeking learning truth and directives of the Most High YHWH,…


Added by Shmanu YAH on December 29, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments

ALL shook up

shalom l'kulam, "ALL praises and glory to whom it truly belongs ->>> YHWH", baruk h'shem!

                                        I pray all is well & getting better for you and yours.

In this short communique' I'd like to look into a issue we all need to examine , apply and articulate to others while we still can. This topic is about listening to the most high YHWH as soon as possible (voluntarily) in that we may show him where our hearts / minds are…


Added by Shmanu YAH on December 15, 2012 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

be a Maccabee!

shalom mishpacha, ... baruk h'shem YHWH, weh baruka h'bo beh h'shem YHWH! - blessed be the name / renoun of YHWH and blessed is his that comes in the name of YHWH ->>> Yahushua.

I pray you and yours all are doing well and will even do better as the Most High declares it.

In this message I feel compelled to deal with a topic in a way ( if we really consider the consequences ) that should motivate or spark us into a action above our desire to just use words. This message…


Added by Shmanu YAH on November 30, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

He moves so gracefully

shalom alychem, and "praises, honor and glory to the Most High YHWH alone" - our King everlasting and from where all true wisdom and knowledge comes, - baruk h'shem! and also "baruka ha'bo b'shem YHWH" >>> Yahushua.

 In this brief writing I'd like to quickly deal with a MAJOR misconception we learned while still caught up in the…


Added by Shmanu YAH on November 15, 2012 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

Bind the Strong man

shalom mishpacha, baruk h'shem YHWH - weh baruka ha'bo beh shem YHWH , "blessed his coming in the name YHWH" >>> Yahushua. I pray all is well with you and yours and know it will surely get even better.

 In this message I'd like to look into a wisdom given by the anointed one himself - Yahushua, that he gave centuries ago to the masses by dealing with the "religious elite" showing us how to get the mastery over things that can destroy us. We need at this time to revisit the…


Added by Shmanu YAH on October 30, 2012 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Lets make a deal?

shalom alychem - peace be upon all. ALL praises and glory to the most high YHWH and "baruka ha'bo b'shem YHWH"- blessed your coming in the name of YHWH ->>> Yahushua!. I pray all is well with you and yours.

In this brief message I like to not just look at warnings or examples of that corruption called bribery, but also look at blessed refusal of that corrupt act.

In hebrew the word for bribe is most often "shchd" / shachad - pronounced:…


Added by Shmanu YAH on October 17, 2012 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

why WE keep the law

shalom mishpacha, baruk h'shem YHWH - w' baruka ha'bo b'shem YHWH , "blessed your coming in the name YHWH" @ Yahushua.

                                        I pray all is well with you and yours.

In this communication I'd like to share several passages of scripture I complied so we all can reach out peacefully to those not yet…


Added by Shmanu YAH on September 17, 2012 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

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