A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH
shalom mishpacha, baruk h'shem YHWH - w'baruka ha'bo b' h'shem YHWH , "blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH" ->>> Yahushua!
I pray all is well with you and yours or will be soon.
This time around I'd like to edify others like I personally got edified myself about things we've read and moved on from but didn't fully take the time to appreciate and learn from, the purpose of numerology in the scriptures. Yes I know many carnal minded people still think numbers were just created to count money >>> NOT! ....but anyway, anytime we increase our knowledge and understanding of scripture then we should COUNT ourselves blessed, SO LET'S GET SOME MORE BLESSINGS!
Most of us ignore the important numbers in the scriptures because there are lunatics out there that teach that "gamatria" confusion ( Gematria: is an Assyro-Babylonian system of numerology later adopted by "Jews" that assigns numerical value to a word or phrase in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to a person's age, the calendar year, etc.) and you can see a example like I did if you Google this website: torahcalc.com/gematria/
Yes, Shemetic letters do have numbers - but them folks go too far with that study and then just start postulating whatever they will. Others just ignore numbers because they really only care about studying whatever they think will be a blessing to them by making them look smarter than they really are, .....what the heck is that about?
Anyway let us finally take the time to rightly examine numbers given to us in our set-apart manuscript for the edifying of the saints, ......so here we go.
ONE or ECHAD: this is a stand alone number, aka SET-APART
One without any other numbers added may seem like a lonely number for man ( but if you believe in YHWH and Yahushua you are NEVER alone! ) but it also represents unity (b'yachad) and is the quintessential number of "monotheism" as they call it, meaning: the worship of ONE Elohym in which there is NO division! We saw that stated in torah command in Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear, O Israel: YHWH is our Elohim, YHWH is ONE. ........~ it's a sovereign aka sov-"Reign" number. This number is seen many many times in scripture (over 1900 times) and most often is used to refer to people aka "some one" or "any one" but other than that: One is used as a singular count because sometimes the Most High uses it to show separation.
TWO or SHNAYIM: this is the 1st of the accompanied numbers and can mean: difference, division or double portion - as in the creation events,
Elohym separated light and darkness as a division of day and night (Genesis 1:3-4), he made the spirit and the flesh to show different parts of our existence, later he made a difference in the male and female of all species for proper procreation (Genesis 1:24-31), he also made the good and the bad to see which one we will gravitate to, and we know the Ten Commandments were inscribed on Two tablets of stone showing the difference of how to deal with YHWH vs. how to deal with man (Exodus 31:18; 32:15), and as to doubling: a double portion of manna (Exodus 16:5), also Elisha got a double portion of EliYah's spirit (2nd Kings 2:9-10), etc.
THREE or SHLOWSHAH: in the scriptures the number Three is used the most because it represents a ability to surround or reinforce something.
it also represents that which is solid, real, substantial, and something in its completeness. This number usually indicates something of importance or significance in YHWH's plan of salvation. This number also operates as a sign to reader to "pay attention" to the significance of the next event in time, - as in the earth was separated from the waters and Elohym created food sources for the earth's inhabitants on the Third day (Genesis 1:9-13), also after the great flood mankind descended from the Three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Genesis 10:1-32) then later there were three Patriarchs of the children of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel, also Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son after a Three-day journey to Mt. Moriah (Genesis 22:1-4), also Baby Moses was hidden by his mother for Three months (Exodus 2:1) and the adult Moses requests of Pharaoh that he let Moses take his people on a Three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifice to their Elohym (Exodus 3:18). also there were Three divisions of the desert Tabernacle and later the Temple in Jerusalem: the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Hollies (Exodus 27:9; 26:1-30, 35-37; 31-34; 38:9-20; 21-31; 40:1-33; 1 Kings 6: 1-37), also Three times the angels cried: qadosh, qadosh, qadosh aka "Holy, Holy, Holy" (Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8).
The Three major attributes (NOT characters) of Elohym as mentioned in Exodus 33:18-19 are glory, grace & compassion / mercy or in Hebrew: kabod, chen, & rachum. also Three of the seven annual Holy Feasts are "pilgrim feasts" in which every male 13 years or older must present himself before Elohym at His appointed Sanctuary and later at the Temple in Jerusalem. This original command is repeated Three times in scripture (Exodus 23:14-17; 34:18-23; Deuteronomy 16:16), also Jonah spent Three days and nights in the belly of the great fish (Jonah 2:1), and also Jonah took Three days to journey across the city of Nineveh (Jonah 3:3).
Years later Yahushua's Mother stayed and served her cousin Elizabeth about Three months (Luke 1:56), also Yahushua was missing for three days when He was 12 years old doing HIS abba's business (Luke 2:46), also Yahushua's ministry lasted three years, covering three spring feast (as seen in John 2:13; 6:4; 11:55-12:1). Yahushua took Three disciples aka Peter, James, and John up on the Mountain (representing Kindom) of transfiguration so they could see Three men communicating (Matthew 17), also Yahushua arose from the dead on the Third day (Luke 24:21). Saul was blinded for Three days (Acts 9:9), also the Three virtues we need are faith, hope and charity (1 Corinthians 13:13), and soon the heavenly Jerusalem will have Three gates on each of its four sides Revelation 21:13.
FOUR or ARBA: This number solidly represents Elohym's creative works (and or borders),
mainly pertaining to his Earth as in: There are considered to be Four elements: earth, air, water & fire. Four basic directions N, S, E, & W, with four Angels keeping watch at the Four corners / boarders of the earth to hold back the four winds of the world (Revelation 7:1), also the Four lunar phases, Four seasons, Four rivers flowed out of Eden (Genesis 2:10), Four cherubim (Genesis 3:22-24; Ezekiel 1:10). also Leah, Rachel, Bilhah & Zilpah were the Four women or vessels that gave birth to the fathers of the 12 Tribes of Israel (Genesis 29:31-30:24 & 35:16-18). also In Ezekiel's vision of the heavenly throne / chariot the cherubim each had Four faces and bodies with four wheels (Ezekiel 1:10-12). The outer garment of the covenant men were required to wear had four corners with Four tassels (Numbers 15:38-39), also The Israelite camp was divided into Four parts when camping around the Tabernacle (Numbers 2:1-34). also Four heavenly creatures surround Elohym's heavenly throne (Revelation 4:6-8). and please don't forget >>> just Four shemetic consonants formed Elohym's name Y H W H, (Exodus 20:2, 28:36, Zechariyah 14:20).
FIVE or CHAMESH: This is know as the number of power or grace.
There are Five powerful and instructional life-giving books of the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy (no reference needed..... ), also Five kinds of animals were sacrificed under the first covenant Law of sacrifice: goats, sheep, cattle, pigeons and doves (Genesis 15:9; Exodus 29:38; Leviticus 1:1-17; 3:1; 4:3, 14, 23, 28; 5:6-7), also David carried Five powerful but smooth stones to battle Goliath and his brothers but the POWER that protected young David caused the brothers to runaway (1st Samuel 17:40) also the Tabernacle was measured in multiples of Five (Exodus 25 - 27). also Daniel proclaimed the Fifth Kingdom to be an Everlasting Kingdom (Daniel 2:37-44), also Cherub's covering wings were Five cubits (1st Kings 6:24, 2nd Chron. 3:11-12), and remember: First David graciously asked the Priest for Five loaves to feed just his men (1st Samuel 21:3,) then centuries later Yahushua gracefully fed the masses with Five loaves of bread (Matthew 14:17-19,16:9, Mark 6:38,41 & 8:19, Luke 9:13-16, John 6:9), also in John 4:15-18 the woman at the well had been with Five husbands / masters and she still lacked proper leadership (like foolish Israelites had continually done), also remember Yahushua bled from five nail wounds on the altar of the sacrificial stake aka "cross" from his two hands, his two feet and then his side (John 19:34 as a sign of grace before his death, burial and powerful resurrection.
SIX or SHESH: Is a number that is the last number BEFORE completion or a "preparation" number,
the 6th Hebrew letter "waw" is represented by a hook or nail which shows to tie down of affix to something. Remember that both man and the creatures were created on the sixth day (Genesis 1:24-31), therefore, the number six can represents both mankind and his responsibility to govern what he's been given to rule, >>> himself and the creatures NOT other men.
Man is commanded to labor six days - one day short of a complete week (Exodus 20:9 & 20:11, 31:15), also the sixth commandment in the ten Commandments is the law against murder (Exodus 20:13), also the sixth plea in what's commonly known as the "Lord's prayer" petition is that we not be led into sin and be delivered from evil (Matthew 6:13), also the sky and the entire world turned dark beginning at the Sixth hour Hebrew time aka "noon" when h'mashiach was on the cross being murdered (Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44), also Yahushua suffered on the cross for Six hours for man from and during the hour of the last sacrifice, and gave up His life at the beginning of the 7th hour (the true number of completion and fulfillment).
SEVEN or SHEBA: This number shows itself to reflect spiritual perfection and also fullness or completion.
Seven is the second perfect number that can NOT be equally divided. Seven or shemetically "shebah" comes from the root shaba meaning: "to be full" (Strong's 7650) even the weekly count, so in biblical reality Sunday can NEVER be the seventh day or sabbath! also Elohym rested on the Seventh day (NOT sunday) after he completed his works (Genesis 2:2). There are Seven colors in the light spectrum, also the seven colored rainbow was the sign of the covenant (Genesis 9:13).
There were Seven types of furniture in the Tabernacle: Bronze sacrificial Altar, Bronze Laver, Golden Menorah, Golden Table of the Bread of the Presence, Golden Altar of Incense, Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy-seat/Seat of Atonement. Also the Tabernacle Menorah (source of light) was constructed with Seven branches and Seven cup shaped lamps for the olive oil (Exodus 25:31-37), also there are Seven annual moadym aka "appointed" feast days observed under the Sinai Covenant (Leviticus 23:1-44), also the Feast of Tabernacles completes the cycle of the Seven Holy Days in the Seventh month of the biblical year (Leviticus 23:33-43). Let us also not ignore it took King Solomon Seven years to complete building the Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6:37-38), also there are Seven spirts from YHWH that will rest upon the appointed messiah (Isaiah 11:2-3).
Then there is a mention of the Seven main messengers aka "angels" and Seven main assemblies aka "churches" (Rev. 1:12 & 1:20). Then we also see there are multiple Sevens in the Book of Revelation: Seven assemblies (Rev. 1:4; 2:1-3:22), Seven letters (2:1- 3:22), Seven spirits (Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6), Seven golden lampstands (Rev. 1:12, 20; 2:1; 4:5), Seven stars (Rev 1:16, 20; 2:1; 3:1), Seven seals (Rev. 5:1; 5:5; 6:1), Seven horns (Rev. 5:6), Seven Eyes (Rev. 5:6), Seven Messengers (Rev. 8:2, 6; 15:1, 6, 7; 15:8; 16:1; 17:1; 21:9), Seven trumpets (Rev. 8:2, 6), Seven thunders (Rev. 10:3, 4), Seven thousand people (Rev. 11:13), Seven heads (Rev. 12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 7, 9), Seven crowns (Rev. 12:3), Seven plagues (Rev. 15:1, 6, 8; 21:9), Seven golden bowls (Rev. 15:7; 16:1; 17:1; 21:9), Seven hills (Rev. 17:9), Seven Kings (Rev. 17:10, 11), Seven visions given to John (Rev. chapters 20-21).
EIGHT or SHMONEH: from the Hebrew root shah'meyn meaning: to make fat or to cover with fat or to super-abound (Strong's 8082 & 8083). Eight also shows the first of a new series: there are seven days in a week; the 8th day is the beginning of a new series of days, It is the number of salvation, resurrection, and regeneration.
Eight people were saved in the ark during the Great flood including Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives (Genesis 7:13, & 1st Peter 3:20). The Eighth day of an Israelite male child's birth he entered the covenant of circumcision (Genesis 17:10-12, Exodus 22:29, Leviticus 12:3) also the Feast of Tabernacles aka Sukkoth which was an Eight day feast of new gatherings (Leviticus 23:36-39), also the Passover followed by the feast of Unleavened bread last Eight days and marked the beginning of the spring feast, also the Feast of Tabernacles was a Eight day feast and also the Eighth and last of the fall feast (Leviticus 23:39). The priesthood of Aaron and his sons was consecrated on the Eighth day (Leviticus 9:1), also David, YHWH's anointed is the Eighth son of Jesse YHWH purposed for new leadership (1 Samuel 16:10-12), also Solomon finished building the Temple in the Eighth month (1 Kings 6:38), also the celebration and dedication of the new Temple lasted Eight days (1 Kings 8:66), also years later the prophet Elijah performed Eight miracles (1 Kings 17 & 2 Kings 13).
Centuries later Eight is also the number of the savior's re-appearance. It is the new series day h'mashiach arose from the dead (Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1-2, Luke 24:1, John 20:1), also Eight days after the resurrection Yahushua appeared to his disciples a second time (John 20:26), also the Eighth day, is the first day of the New Covenant.
NINE or TESHA: This number is probably one of the least scripturally used of the fist ten numerals because it represents 1 short of perfection, and is normally related to the number three and six. It is significant of the end of man and the sum of all man's works, so Nine is therefore the number of poor judgment due to lack.
It was in the Ninth year of the prophet Hosea that the king of Assyria destroyed the capital city of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and carried the people away into exile (2 Kings 17:5-6), also it was in the Ninth year of King Zedekiyah's reign that Nebu-chadnezzar king of Babylon conquered the Southern Kingdom of Judah, destroying the city of Jerusalem and the Temple (2 Kings 25:1), centuries later Yahushua cleansed ten lepers and Nine of the healed were ungrateful - bringing a judgement upon themselves (Luke 17:17-18), also it was the Ninth hour according to Hebrew time (3 PM) when Yahushua willingly gave up His life on the stake / cross for the sins of the imperfect world (Matthew 27:46).
TEN or ESER: Is the scriptural reference for Perfection of a set-apart order.
Noah was the Tenth generation from Adam (Genesis 5:1-29), also Abraham was the Tenth generation from Shem the son of Noah (Genesis 11:10-26), also there are Ten Commandments to set our relationship with YHWH and each other in order (Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21), also there were Ten judgement plagues on Egypt (Exodus 7:14-12:30), YHWH also stated through the prophet Ahiyah the Northern Kingdom was to be formed from Ten tribes (1 Kings 11:31), also a child's total time from it's conception in his Mother's body is about Ten months (40 weeks). There are Ten clauses in the Master's prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), also there were Ten virgins in Yahushua's kingdom parable about staying ready (Matthew 25:1-13).
ELEVEN or ECHAD ASAR: this number looks to mean disorder.
as in Ten plus one extra or Twelve minus one necessary number, also it could represent disorganization, imperfection. At Kadesh-Barnea the Children of Israel traveled Eleven days from Horeb by the way of mount Seir unto Kadesh Barnea in the Eleventh month (Deuteronomy 1:2-3), also the last two Kings of Judah each reigned Eleven years before the Babylonian conquest of Judah: 1st Jehoiakim (2 Kings 23:36; 24:1; 2 Chronicles 36:5-6) and 2nd Zedekiah (2 Chronicles 36:11; Jeremiah 52:1). Centuries later When Judas died there was a disorder of only Eleven Apostles left, this number was incomplete; to complete the order of 12, a twelfth Apostle was chosen by lot (Acts 1:23-26).
TWELVE or SNAYM ASAR: this number is the perfection of government.
Twelve months in a year to govern our time count, also Twelve is the number of the Israelite tribes / nations from our patriarch Yacob, transformed to "Israel" (Genesis 49:28), which is why we don't call ourselves Yacob-lites but Israelites. Twelve pillars were erected by Moses at Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:4), also Twelve memorial stones were erected at the Jordan on the way to the Promised land (Joshua 4:1-9).
Twelve men were selected by YHWH to govern / conduct the census of the tribes (Numbers 1:2-16), also Twelve statues of oxen held up the water basin in Solomon's Temple (1 Kings 7:25), also Twelve princes of Israel brought perfect gifts to the Sanctuary on Twelve days (Numbers 7:10-83), and the perfect gifts were: Twelve chargers of silver, Twelve silver bowls, Twelve spoons of gold (Numbers 7:84), also years later Twelve spies sent to search out Canaan (Numbers 13:1-15). Centuries later Yahushua was just Twelve years old when He was schooling the scholars in the Temple (Luke 2:41-47), also Yahushua chose Twelve disciples (Matthew 10:2-5, Mark 3:13-19, & Luke 6:13-16), also Yahushua mentions his Twelve legions of angels (Matthew 26:53), also the 144,000 governing servants of Elohym comes from 12 times 12 (Revelation 7:4), also Twelve gates of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:12), also Twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:16, 17), also the Trees of Life in the new creation will bear Twelve perfect kinds of fruits in Twelve months (Revelation 22:2).
TWENTY or ESRIYM: This power-based number is the double of ten, and this may signify its concentrated meaning as well as seeming to signify a pre-determined time count.
We see this number is several instances like: Twenty years Jacob waited to get promised possession of his wives and property (Genesis 31:38-41), also as a atonement offering to YHWH the males Twenty years and older had to give 1/2 a skeqel (Exodus 30:12-14), also the male eligible age count for those to go to war were from Twenty years and up (Numbers 1:3-45), also Twenty years Israel waited for a deliverer from Jabin's oppression (Judges 4:3), also Twenty years Israel waited for deliverance until the time of Samson (Judges 15:18-20; 16:31), also Twenty years the Ark of the Covenant waited at Kirjath-jearim (1 Samuel 7:2), also Twenty years Solomon was waiting for the completion of both the Temple and his own Palace (2 Chronicles 8:1), also Twenty years Jeremiah prophesied concerning the destruction of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 52:4-13),
THIRTY or SHLOSHIYM: This establishing number is the triple of ten, so this number can denote a higher degree of decreed order and also the starting age to govern.
Joseph was Thirty when he became 2nd in command of Egypt (Genesis 41:46), also David was also Thirty when he began his reign over Israel (2 Samuel 5:4), also the sons of Kohath from among the sons of Levi were eligible for service at Thirty in the Sanctuary (Num 4:3, 23, 30, 35, 39), also The people mourned the deaths of both Aaron and Moses for Thirty days (Deut. 34:8 & Numbers 20:29), also YHWH's goodly price was Thirty pieces of silver (ZechariYah 11:13), also Ebed-Melech the Cushite took Thirty soldiers with him to rescue JeremiYah (JeremiYah 38:10-13). Centuries later Yahushua was Thirty years years old at the beginning of His ministry (Luke 3:23), also Judas sold out our savior for the decreed Thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15, 27:3, 27:9).
FORTY or ARBAIYM: This adjudicating number is recognized as important because of it's frequency of its occurrence and with it's association with it's determined time as a period of trial and then judgement.
Forty days and nights to cleanse the YHWH judged Earth with the great flood (Genesis 7:4, 12, 17, & 8:6), also Forty years was the age of Isaac when he married Rebekah (Genesis 25:20), also Moses first Forty years of his life was in Egypt (Exodus 2:1-15 Acts 7:23), also Forty years of Moses in Midian before his return to Egypt (Acts 7:30), also Forty years from the Exodus out of Egypt until Moses's death (Deuteronomy 1:3; 34:7), also for Forty years the Israelites and the mixed multitude ate manna and were covered with anointed clothing (Exodus 16:35; Deuteronomy 29:5), also Forty days Moses was on the mountain to receive the torah (Exodus 24:18), also for Forty days the children of Israel and the mixed multitude were tested while Moses was getting the torah for them and many failed the test of faith (Exodus 32:1), also Forty days Moses was on the Mountain a second time after the golden calf wickedness (Exodus 34:28).
Forty days total (7+33) after his birth a male child of Israel was dedicated to YHWH at the Sanctuary (Leviticus 12:1-4), also for Forty days the Israelite spies searched the land of Canaan (Numbers 13:16-25), also Forty years was Kaleb's age when Moses sent him to search Canaan because he also had good judgement (Joshua 14:7), also Forty years Israel spent in the wilderness before they camped by the Jordan River (Numbers 14:33, Deuteronomy 1:1-3, & 8:2) also there were Forty years from the purging of the rebels to the conquest of the promised land (Joshua 5:6), also we see Forty year intervals of peace in the time of the Judges (Judges 3:11, 5:31, 8:28), also for Forty years Eli judged Israel (1 Samuel 4:18), also Forty years of war between Israel and the Philistines.
For Forty years total David ruled as King of Hebron and Israel (2nd Samuel 5:5; 1st Chronicles 29:26-27), also Forty years his son Solomon ruled Israel (2nd Chronicles 9:30), also Forty days and nights Elijah traveled to Mt. Horeb (1st Kings 19:8), also Forty days Jonah was in the Assyrian city of Nineveh as a trial of obedience (Jonah 3:4), also for Forty days YHWH had Ezekiel to lay on his right side to represent the Forty years of Judah's transgression (Ezekiel 4:6), also remember the Forty years of judgment that YHWH had Ezekiel prophesy against Egypt (Ezekiel 29:8-14), Centuries later, for Forty days Yahushua fasted in the wilderness like the children of Israel and mixed multitude had to do coming out of Egypt before they got tested - but He didn't fail his test / temptation (Matthew 4:2; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2), also for Forty days Yahushua taught His disciples after the resurrection (Acts 1:3), also on the Fortieth day He ascended to the Father (Acts 1:9).
FIFTY or CHAMISHSHYM: is know as a reference to freedom or jubilee or deliverance. Fifty is: grace or "5" multiplied by perfect order or "10".
On the Fiftieth day after leaving the bondage in Egypt, YHWH communed with Israel at Mount Sinai aka the first Pentecost (Exodus 12:51 thru 19:5-6), also in the Fiftieth year, known as a Jubilee year, all debts were to be forgiven, all Hebrew slaves were to be freed, and all land returned to the original owner (Leviticus 25:8-19), also Fifty sheqels of silver had to be paid to the family so a man will be delivered from death if he took her virginity (Deuteronomy 22:29), also Fifty was the established order of numbers of soldiers per company (2nd Kings 1:9-13),Centuries later we see on the Fiftieth day after messiah's resurrection, the Holy Spirit came to the disciples (Acts 2:1), it was the second great Pentecost after the first that was with YHWH at Mt. Sinai like afore mentioned.
SEVENTY or SHIBIYM: is another biblical number by the combination of two of the perfect numbers: seven and ten, or 7 times 10 = 70, and it signifies perfect spiritual order carried out with all spiritual power and prophetic significance.
There were Seventy nations before the tower of Babel (Genesis 10:1-32), also Seventy souls built up the nations of Israel when the Israelites first entered Egypt (Genesis 46:27), also Seventy elders were chose to meet with YHWH on Mount Sinai and ate and drank a special meal, these 70 elders represented the hierarchy of the Israelite assembly (Exodus 24:1, 9-10), also the silver amount required for the dedication of that alter in the sanctuary (Numbers 7:13,19,25,31,37,43,49,55,62,67,73,79), also Moses was told to choose Seventy elders from the people >so YHWH could sent his spirit on them<, so again this exemplifies spiritual power (Numbers 11:16, 24, 25), also YHWH warned Israel through the prophet JeremiYah they will (JeremiYah 25:8-12, 29:10) also in that prophecy given to Daniel, "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy set-apart city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Set-apart" (Daniel 9:24) - this proves Seventy has prophetic significance. Centuries later Yahushua chose Seventy disciples for spiritual order and spiritual power and (Luke 10:1,17).
> < this was our first example of YHWH returning to give man his set-apart spirit wayyyyyy before John 20:22 and Acts chapter 2 !
Yes, there are many more numbers with appointed purposes in the scriptures but I just wanted to deal with the most frequently used ones for our edifycation without causing you to fall asleep while reading, and notice I made this so simple you didn't even need a calculator .....lol
selah and shalom
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