A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH
shalom mishpacha, ALL praises to the most high YHWH and "baruka ha'bo beh shem YHWH", "blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH" ->>> Yahushua.
I pray all is well with you and yours and will soon be even better.
This time around I just wanted to offer more than a few compiled scriptures pertaining to something many of us have failed to actually do, ->>> die to self and renew our minds for the better on a daily basis.
Part I. ~ Biblical references
A. Attitudes of mind that need to be renewed
Rom. 1:28 - "a depraved mind, to do things which are not proper"
Rom. 8:5,7 - "mind set on the flesh"
Rom. 12:16 - "haughty in mind"
II Cor. 4:4 - "blinded the minds of unbelieving"
II Cor. 11:3 - "minds led astray from simplicity and purity to mashiach"
Eph. 2:3 - "the desires of the flesh and of the mind"
Eph. 4:17 - "the futility of their mind"
Phil. 3:19 - "set their minds on earthly things"
Col. 1:21 - "alienated and hostile in mind"
Col. 2:18 - "inflated without cause by a fleshly mind"
Titus 1:15 - "their mind and their conscience are defiled"
B. Calls for renewal
Rom. 12:2 - "be transformed by the renewing of your mind"
II Cor. 4:16 - "our inner man is being renewed day by day"
Eph. 4:23 - "be renewed in the spirit of your mind"
Col. 3:10 - "the new man is being renewed to a true knowledge..."
Titus 3:5 - "renewing by the Holy Spirit"
C. Attitudes of a renewed mind
Isa. 26:3 - "the steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace"
JeremiYah. 17:10 - "I, YHWH, search the heart, I test the mind"
JeremiYah. 20:12 - "YHWH who seest the mind and the heart"
Matt. 22:37 - "Love YHWH with all your heart, soul, mind and strength"
Rom. 14:5 - "let each man be fully convinced in his own mind"
I Cor. 2:16 - "we have the mind of mashiach"
Phil. 2:5 - "have this mind in you which was also in mashiach YAHushua"
Phil. 4:8 - "whatever is true, right, pure...let your mind dwell on these..."
Col. 3:2 - "set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth"
Heb. 8:10; 10:16 - "I will put my laws into their minds"
I Pet. 1:13 - "gird your minds for action"
Rev. 2:23 - "I am He who searches the minds and hearts"
Part II. ~ Why does our mind need to be renewed?
A. The mind has been programmed with natural "established attitudes"
How were these formed? ... and from what influences?
(1) of parents
(2) of educational system
(3) of society (books, television, movies, etc.)
(4) of religious training
And then there is the opportunity for reflection
(1) personal observation
(2) personal experience
(3) personal compromise
These "established attitudes" permeated with fleshly "personal interest" of selfishness and sinfulness.
a. Act: personal aspiration, gratification, reputation
b. React: fight, fright, flight
B. If there was a mental-video device that could record all the thoughts that go through your mind, would you want to play it back for everyone?
1. ELOHYM knows our every thought
JeremiYah. 17:10 - "I, YHWH, search the heart; I test the mind"
JeremiYah. 20:12 - "YHWH seest the mind and the heart"
Rev. 2:23 - "I am He who searches the minds and hearts"
2. Does this not reveal the necessity of renewing the mind?
C. The mind needs to be renewed with Elohymly "established attitudes"
Initial and continual renewal of the mind:
a. Initial renewal - regenerative renewal
Titus 3:5 - "regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit"
I Cor. 2:16 - "you have the mind of mashiach"
Heb. 8:10; 10:16 - "I will put my laws in their hearts"
b. Continual renewal - sanctifying renewal
Phil. 2:5 - "Have this mind in you which was in mashiach "
Phil. 4:8 - "whatever is true, right, pure...let minds dwell
Col. 3:2 - "set your minds on things above"
c. The thoughts and attitudes of the mind serve as the conduits which allow for the mobilization of Elohymly behavior by divine energizing.
Prov. 23:7 - "As a man thinks in his soul, so is he (in behavior)
I Pet. 1:13 - "gird your minds for action"
D. The combination of our "established attitudes" develop into a "mind-set"
1. Mind-set about ourselves
a. false sense of identity
b. external orientation - "how do I look?"
c. guilt - attitudes of worthlessness, inferiority
2. Mind-set about other people
a. people pleasing - self-conscious
b. vain imaginations - fears, phobias
c. attitudes of anger, impatience, hate, bitterness, resentment, revenge, suspicion, criticism, jealousy, unforgiveness, blame, depression, co-dependency
3. Mind-set about things
a. materialism - "what am I going to buy next?"
b. love things - use people
c. addictions to substances, objects, etc.
4. Mind-set about ideas
a. quest for knowledge
b. desire to be correct, accurate, right
5. Mind-set about situations
a. what might happen; the hypothetical - worry
b. panic about inability to cope
6. Mind-set about Elohym
a. irrelevant, archaic, out-moded, unnecessary
Part III. How can our mind be renewed to develop Elohymly established attitudes?
A. Established attitudes re-formed to coincide with Elohym's attitudes
1. Consistent with His character - purity, righteousness, love, giving, mrecy, in accord with the:
a. newness of life in mashiach Yahushua - Rom. 6:4
b. newness of the Spirit - Rom. 7:6
c. new covenant - Heb. 8:8,13
d. new and living way - Heb. 10:20
e. new creature - II Cor. 5:17
f. new man - Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10
B. Basis of Elohymly "established attitudes" is YAH's revelation of Himself
1. Natural revelation
Ps. 19:1,2 - "the heavens declare the glory of YHWH ..."
Rom. 1:20 - "His attributes have been seen...through what he made"
2. Incarnational revelation
Lk. 10:22 - "the Son will reveal Him"
Jn. 1:18 - "He has explained Him"
3. Biblical revelation
II Tim. 3:16 - "all Scripture is inspired by YHWH"
4. Personal revelation
Phil. 3:15 - "YHWH will reveal it to you"
Rom. 14:5 - "let each man be fully convinced in his own mind"
C. Requires personal discipline to renew Elohymly established attitudes.
I Tim. 4:7 - "discipline yourself for the purpose of Elohymliness"
1. Undisciplined minds and thinking retain natural attitudes
2. This is not the self-discipline of self-effort
3. We must discipline (exercise) our minds and thoughts to allow for Elohymly action mobilized through Elohymly established attitudes
D. A "mind-set" settled on YHWH and His activity.
1. A "steadfast mind" set on the things of YHWH
Prov. 16:3 - "your thoughts shall be established"
IsaiYah. 26:3 - "the steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace"
a. Not an idle mind - daydreaming, procrastinating, wasting time, fantasizing
b. Mind set on YHWH's character and His ways
Phil. 4:8 - "whatever is true, right, pure...let your mind dwell on these..."
Col. 3:2 - "set your mind on things above...
2. A "mind-set" that spontaneously thinks of YHWH and His activity
a. "Yes abba"
b. Joy - Phil. 4:4; I Thess. 5:16
c. Laughter - Prov. 15:13; 17:22
d. Song in your heart - Eph. 5:19
e. Love for others - Rom. 5:5; Jn. 13:34
E. Practical necessity of "renewing of mind" for Elohymly behavior
1. Change in form of thinking and behavior (transformation) comes as an indirect result of renewal of mind - Rom. 12:2
2. Cannot reverse: External nonconformity does not lead to behavioral transformation - Col. 2:20-23
3. Based on spiritual regeneration and becoming a "new man" in mashiach, the believer has the indwelling spiritual sufficiency to engage in the renewing of the mind that allows for spiritually empowered messianic behavior - Eph. 4:23; Col. 3:10
I guess you noticed this time I did not text out the entire scriptures but only the book, chapter and verse....... the reason being that each person is responsible to search out the scriptures and they will have a meaning to that individual that is specific to that individual's life and experiences in these days and times.
It is NOT my intention to tell anyone WHAT TO THINK, - but I certainly want to tell anyone reading this that it's imperative that: YOU DO THINK!
......selah and shalom
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