A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH

shalom mishpacha, "ALL praises and glory and honor to the Most High YHWH" our creator, our sustanance and from where all true wisdom and knowledge comes! ...and let's not fail to mention the name and purpose of the anointed one Yahushua h'mashiac!

I pray all is well with you and yours and no matter what the current situation we know assuredly it will get better ... haleluYAH!

In this message to some, personal note to others I'd like to expound on a few thoughts of mine that society for the most part is missing. This time around I'd like to deal with the "hoary head" aka "gray head".

I am by no means attempting to dismiss the importance of hair as a whole, but I want to deal with vanity.

wisdom: even with Samson most have not been properly taught that his strength was NOT in his hair, but his strength was in the fact that he had NOT broken his vow to YHWH ...selah.

Lets go back to the Hebrew roots (hopefully not gray roots ...lol ) and look at the word, in Strong's concordance #7867 the word is "syb" pronounced: seeb - a primitive root; properly, to become aged, to grow gray:--(be) grayheaded, etc. For some vain reason in society this seems to be a sensitive reality to deal with because we don't realize how worldly and carnal minded we can be. Lets examine some scripture dealing with the appearance of gray hair, for example in mish'le aka proverbs from one of the wisest men that ever lived it's recorded in prov. 16:31: "The hoary head is a crown of glory, IF it be found in the way of righteousness", here we see that there is NO shame but possibly glory in being gray haired IF that person of years is living righteously (obviously not a givin). Also in proverbs 20:29 we can read: "The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey head", Here we see whats referrered to as "beauty" in the grey hair refering back to "if found in the way of righteous". If we have understanding we realize as the seasons change on the earth our seasons change in our physical and spiritual life, all for a purpose ... It can't be spring all the time!

Those are just a couple of examples from scripture we all should be familiar with now here is a example from a source we should also familiarize ourselves with, The Wisdom of Solomon (apocrypha) 4:8-9: "For honourable age is not that which standeth in length of time, nor that is measured by number of years. (9) But wisdom is the gray hair unto men, and an unspotted life is old age". Here it is clearly stated that honor is not reserved for those that are "long in the tooth" or hang around for year after year, but rather wisdom should be worn as a crown and a "tamym" or unblemished life is truly honorable age. Now lets get to our worldly issue of running from the signs of the "hoary head", We are so caught up in vanity and stupid worldly concerns about gray hairs we missed the the true hidden fear of why we elude the natural presentation we are to exhibit, the fear that the "hoary head" should keep knowledge, wisdom, understanding, discipline, unblemishness, etc.

Those in society that lack the many attributes of the mature are the first to cover their gray hairs because they are embarrassed they can't live up to them! How can any man or woman with gray hair justify their years which should have amassed some degree of wisdom, when they are still a fool? or how can any man or woman with gray hair justify their years which should have amassed some degree of knowledge with they are still stupid? or How can any man or woman with gray hair justify their years which should have amassed some degree of understanding while still confused, or How can any man or woman with gray hair justify their years which should have amassed some degree of discipline when they are still out of control? (even in front of the young) or How can any man or woman with gray hair justify their years which should have amassed some degree of being unspotted when they can actually put a Dalmation to shame? Well I guess we have to come to the realization that many know they can't so here come the big "COVER UP" aka "let me dye away the gray so I can play young and dumb and get away with it".  If we are young we think and feel we have viable excuses for our many flaws and lack of maturity but when we get older those excuses pine away leaving us desperately trying to "cover up" the fact we are NOT what we should be. It shows us in 1st. Corintians 13:11: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things"... Oh well, I guess many of us didn't get the memo apostle Paul was trying to circulate. One of the things children seem to instinctivly do is make excuses for their mistakes ( I wonder where they really got it from?) but when they grow up the excuses making must also be put away, it's a sign of MATURITY!

As the mishchym aka messianic believers we should be well beyond trying to hide our flaws behide "I'm young and dumb" and instead present ourselves as the "rosh syb" aka "hoary headed" or "gray headed" people of knowledge and wisdom we should be. Again back in Prov. 16:31 It showed us: "The hoary head is a crown of glory, IF it be found in the way of righteousness", So lets NOT be ashamed of what our bodies were designed to produce as a external sign of maturity and wisdom but rather righteously do ALL we can internally to live up to those signs!

 ... selah, shalom

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Comment by naomiyah on July 17, 2010 at 10:23pm
shalom son: I was overjoyed when I read this. For a long time I tried to hide my gray, until one day my son told me mom why don't you stop dying your hair and go natural. When I finally made up my mind and stop coloring my hair it looked so beautiful, I use shimmer and lights shampoo to keep it from turning yellow and it is so pretty. I just love it. and so does Asheer he said he wanted his to look like mine.lol. This was a blessing for me and I thank YAH for allowing me to grow older and have a hoary head. Todah YAH. Shalom for now. Love you. Emah

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