A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH
shalom alychem - peace to all, ALL praises and glory to the most high YHWH weh "baruka habo b'shem YHWH"- blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH >>> YAHushua.
In this prayerfully edifying blog I'd like to adress a topic of major misunderstanding leading to major confusion amongst our people from many q'hlym (congregations) or individuals. Often when we start off in the wrong direction and don't have the humility to admit it or sense to realize it and turn to a right direction we end up just how we deserve >>> perpetually MISdirected.
Not often enough when we seek knowledge do we actually go to reputable sources but we rather take the lazy route and just re-articulate somebody's attempted understanding, and then have the audacity to call ourselves LEARN-ED. Something very important was recorded by John in chapter 16:13 pertaining to understanding, "... howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.......", the "ruach h'emet" aka "spirit of truth" is what we need to follow as opposed to attempting to follow a "spirit of scribing" or "spirit of a translation attempt".
This time around I'd like to offer for your inspection my understanding of the name above all names that we with some level of understanding pray to >>> YAH WAH. In Hebrew the word "shem" not only refers to name, it also means "renown" or as we say today "reputation". From the four letters: Y H W H we have all heard about half-a-dozen pronounciations
I wont even take the time to address but I do want to remind you that those bible version composers that put in a honest effort like John Wycliffe (using the latin vulgate), William Tyndale (using greek text), the Geneva bible and others were at the mercy of those scribes before them (as well as the so-called rabbis) that believed the true name of the creator was not to be spoken by man so they implemented titles like: GOD, LORD, etc... as substitutes so those titles ended up in all their versions. I like many of you have trouble with that twisted philosophy since there is a command in Exodus aka sh'mote 20:7 stating: "Thou shalt not take the name of YHWH thy Elohim in vain; for YHWH will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain" my trouble with the "speak it not" philosophy is: how can you even take a name / renoun in vain if it is not even known or allowed to be uttered by man?
It's obvious somebody don't really want us to know his name not really as a protection to us but instead so we can't call on that name to correctly address our praise (think maybe the adversary still at work?). We should have read by now what YHWH told the prophet Ezekiel in 39:25, "Therefore thus saith my Master YHWH: Now will I bring back the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel; and I will be jealous for my holy name". ... obviously his name / renown means something important to him so why not us?
Those that instruct us that man shouldn't utter the true name probably conveniently skimmed over the book of Ruth where one of the main patriarchs by the name BOAZ (which is a combination of the word "bo" meaning come, and the suffix "az" meaning help/support) that showed up to help and support Naomi and Ruth, was greeting and receiving greeting from the reapers as we read in 2:4, ... and lo, Boaz hath come from Beth-Lechem, and saith to the reapers, "YHWH is with you;` and they say to him, YHWH doth bless thee".
I as well as many others utilize this pronounciation that makes sense if we utilize original languages and etymology, we embrace the pronounciation "YAH-WAH" as we address the Most High. Lets first look at the definition of the syllables, the first is "YAH", It is derived from the hebrew root word "hayah" (Strong's - 1961) meaning primarily: "to exist" or "the exister" and we certainly know HE IS! Most true studyers of scripture and those of us that don't try to make up languages have no problem with that pronounciation but when it comes to the second syllable there are varying pronounciations but before we start debating lets go back to a earlier example, in the torah in the first book and 3rd chapter vs. 20 we read, and Adam called his wife’s name Ch'wah; because she was the mother of all living. looking at the name / renoun he gave his isha, the breakdown is two words, "chy" meaning "life" or living ( Strongs - 2416) and "wah" (Strong's - 2324) meaning "show" or produce (she was NOT named "Ch'bara" aka creator of life). I have not yet personally found "weh" (aka the pronounciation "way") for the second syllable of her name but some implement that pronounciation for the "W H" in the second part of Y H W H and come up with the pronounciation YAH-WEH so these people would have to call her Ch'weh to be consistant in their speaking. Simply put without trying to confuse anyone YHWH is a combination of "existance" and "show" ie "producer" or for our fuller application "THE producer of all existance"( that which was, is and will be).
Many believe he was only known by a name after what he revealed in sh'mote chapter 3 but to partially discompose their theory maybe we should point them back to b'reshyth / Genesis 4:26," ....and to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of YHWH"....say what? (also read Genesis 12:8, and 21:33).
I as well as many of you have heard some so-called scholars go to sh'mote 3:14 and read, "... and Elohym said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you". and from this in hebrew: "ahyh ashr ahyh" they then derive his name is "I AM" but before we buy into anyones articulations of scripture lets get back to a fuller definition of the hebrew word "shem", once again it not only means name... it also means "renoun" What the Most High told Moshe is mainly referring to his renoun! ( this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations).
Now to really discompose their theory, they ineptly overlook the middle word "a sh r " a word which is a composed of hebrew letters: alef-shin-resh, that if the later applied niqqud aka vowel markings are not correctly applied (and of course we know man don't make mistakes) could easily direct us to the wrong selection of several words .... OH OH! Lets take a stroll through our concordance at look at several of these homonyms. The hebrew word "ashr" that was recorded from a original language carried NO vowel markings at that time, so those later applied the markings and came up with the word "ashr" ash-er' meaning: who, which, what, that ,etc... (Strong's - 834), but that very same composition of letters can also render the words - ashr "... eh'-sher" meaning: fortune, blessedness, happiness (Strong's - 835), or ashr... aw-shoor' meaning: steps, tracks, etc. (Strong's - 838), or the application that may make the most sense for a few of us - ashr ... aw-shar' meaning: to lead, guide, walk (Strong's - 833),
Now maybe it's just me but I could have sworn I read somewhere that a power went before Moshe and LED and GUIDED the children of Yisrael out of Egypt., I could have sworn I read that a power LED them them in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, I could have sworn I read when IT stopped they stopped and when IT moved they moved, whoaaaa .... talk about your "follow the leader".
Notice how the scholars have a major problem with that understanding just like the adversary has have a major problem with us following who we really should as our leader? Like I stated earlier he was telling Moshe his name / renown is, and that would continually be is: " I am/exist to lead/guide I am/exist" .... that works for me! So maybe those who want to think his name is "ahyh" need to keep studying and seek that spirit of truth that LEADS us into all truth. I don't have a serious problem with "I am that I am" but it only states that he exist and thats was already a given. Moving on if we wanted to we could take hours tearing down the titles like GOD, LORD, etc... but remember those were substitute titles not names. Those of us that embrace YAHushua as h'mashiac have read in Acts 4:12, " ... neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved". YAHushua would have to be that name because he came in his fathers name (John 5:43, "I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive" ) and that name wouldn't be any variation of the greek god zeus (not to mention above their gods the greeks had titans) and zeus or names with the suffix "sus" will NEVER be our salvation!
For those that want a fuller breakdown of the "Jesus" name, a sacred name teacher uploaded this webpage you should copy and paste in your browser: http://www.sacrednamemovement.com/InvitationEssayC.html ,
also ask yourself what did Paul mean when he wrote in Ephes. 3:14-15, "for this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Master YAHushua h'mashiac, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named", ... notice how those pagan teachers came and changed the name of the heavenly bodies and host as well as earthly creations to names honoring their deities?... that list is endless! I thought torah instructed us against complying with this foolishness, in Exodus 23:13 we read: "...and in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other elohyms, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth".
I recently heard one of those know-it-all christian teachers speaking on the radio telling people that he heard some guy tell him that he ask his prayers be supplicated in the name of YAHushua, and that's NO big deal because he himself will continue to use the name of Jesus because "I don't speak hebrew and only speak English" ..... now what I wanna know is when did the name Jesus become of English origin? I have asked folks for years how come they have no problem letting the names of wicked or evil tyrants and leaders of various countries slide easily out their mouths but when it come to the righteous..... there is always a lazy and lame excuse of why that righteous name can't be pronounced. Lets look at some of the names those christian teachers admit are evil or truly wicked souls: The Ceasars, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Idi Amin Dada, Muammar Gadhafi, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, and now they can even pronounce Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ... and the list of non-english names go on and on.
I know these people are surely infamous for various reasons but the point I am making is why don't those christian teachers stumble when it comes to pronouncing the names of the evil? I wonder if one of the main reasons many people don't want to be corrected like we had to be is not because they are stupid but deep down inside they are just LAZY, and it's difficult for a lazy person to get up and move when they are comfortable.
serious question: don't you think the malakym aka angels knew his name? ( Isaiyah 6:3 )
wisdom: when You change his name, You change the target of worship!
Many have read the beginning of psalms 91 about being protected by the almighty but did they finish out that chapter?, look again at vs. 14-16, "Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known MY NAME. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation".
Let us in our daily walk stay on the path of righteousness and "follow our leader" out of all parallels of Egypt and praise the only one worthy of praise as we have read in psalms 68:4, "sing unto Elohym, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name YAH, and rejoice before him". ...- and in the book of ibrym / hebrews 13:15 it is written ".....by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to ELOHYM continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name" (not a title!).
If we simply take the time to examine one of our most POWERful praise utterances "haleluYAH" we notice we don't hear folks shouting: hallelu-GOD or hallelu-LORD or hallelu-ha'Shem or hallelu-JESUS but we hear the praisers speak "halelu-YAH". we can all agree on our belief that he exist "h'yah" but again for a more complete or fuller application "THE producer of all existence"( that which was, is and will be )- YHWH is something that can't be denied.
..... selah, shalom
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