A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH
shalom mishpacha, "ALL praises and glory to whom it truly belongs ->> YHWH !"
I pray all is well with you all.
In this very short message I felt it necessary to share with the family something I have realized for some time but I see others have not yet grasped. This topic is what is world renowned as the shortest passages in scripture but has one of the longest meanings: "w'ybk Yahushua" aka "Jesus wept" (John 11:35 KJV).
In this chapter we know that Yahushua had previously already performed many many different miracles such as:
changing water into wine (John 2:1-11),
Healed the Nobelman's son just by speaking because of the Nobelmans faith (John 4:46-54),
Casted out a demon from the possessed man in Capernaum (Mark 1:21-28 also Luke 4:33-37),
Cleansed a leper (Matt. 8:2-4 and Mark 1:40-42),
Healed a Centurion's servant by the the Centurion's faith ( Matt. 8:5-13),
Healed Peter's Mother-in-law (Matt. 8:14-15, Mark 1:29-31 also Luke 4:38-39),
Demonstrated how he could make them master fisherman of fish or men (Luke 5:3-10),
Healed a paralyzed man lowered through the roof - a desperate act of faith (Matt. 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12 also Luke 5:18-26),
Healed a mans withered hand in the synagogue (Matt. 12:9-14 also Mark 3:1-6),
Calmed the stormy sea ( Matt 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41 also Luke 8:22-25),
Casted out a Legion of demons from the possessed man dwelling amongst the tombs (Matt. 8:28-32, Mark 5:1-13 also Luke 8:26-34),
Healing a woman with a 12 year issue of blood that just by her belief that it she touched the hem of his garments (where the tzit tzit / fringes are) she would be healed (Matt. 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34 also Luke 8:43-48),
Raising Jairus's daughter because Jairus said:"but come lay thy hand on her and she shall be made whole", showing his sincere faith! ( Matt. 9:18-19, 23-25, Mark 5:22-24, 35-43 also Luke 8:41-42, 49-56),
Healing two blind men after he asked if they believed he was able to do this, they said: "yes master"( Matt. 9:27-31),
Casted out a demon from a dumb/mute man (Matt. 9:32-33),
Healing a 38 year invalid by the pool of Bethesda (John 5:5-11),
Fed 5000 men and their families with 5 loaves and 2 fish (Matt. 14:16-21, Mark 6:35-44, Luke 9:12-17 also John 6:5-14),
Walked the troubled water to show them what focus of faith could accomplish (Matt. 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52 also John 6:16-21),
Healed a Gentile girl of a demon by her Mother's faith (Matt. 15:21-28 also Mark 7:24-30),
Healed a deaf man's hearing and speaking (Mark:7-31-37), Healed Multitudes (Matt.15:30-31),
Fed 4000 and their families (Matt.15:34-38, Mark 8:5-9), Made a blind man see (Mark 8:22-26),
Giving sight to a man blind from birth to prove he was the light of the world while he was on earth (John 9:1-7),
Casted out a demon from a boy the talmadym / disciples could not (Matt.17:14-21, Mark 9:17-29 also Luke 9:37-43),
Made a fish produce a coin to pay a tax (Matt. 17:24-27),
Healed a demon possessed dumb/mute man (Matt. 12:22 also Luke 11:14),
Healed a woman on the shabat in a Synagogue - that had been crippled 18 years (Luke 13:10-13),
Healed a man also on the shabt with the dropsy (Luke 14:1-6),
Healed 10 lepers at once that believed on him and cried out for mercy but only the Samaritan turned and praised Elohym (Luke 17:11-19), etc....
The reason I posted these examples of his works is so that we can now see the wondrous works they were able to bare witness to in those days. Now lets move up to John 11th chapter: Elazar aka "Lazarus" the brother of Mary and Martha was extremely sick. In vs.4 after he got their message he said "this sickness is not unto death... but for the glory of ELOHYM". As the dialogue goes on he tells the disciples Lazarus is fallen asleep and he must go wake him but they thought it was rest that Lazarus needed, but he plainly told them (vs.14) "Lazarus is dead". He then told them he is glad he wasn't there (so they would believe what was about to be done) so "lets go" even though he intentionally delayed his journey for 4 days to Bethany that was only 15 furlongs = less than 2 miles away.
In vs. 20 when Martha heard that Yahushua finally decided to show up she ran to him but Mary stayed home. Martha said to Yahushua "If you would have been here, our brother wouldn't died and even now whatever you ask ELOHYM, he will give you", sounds like to me she was in the right mindset until he told her in vs. 23 "Your brother shall rise again" but she responded with "I know he shall rise in the resurrection in the last day", (OH OH!) ... after all these many miracles for others, where is her faith or understanding? He then explained that HE is the resurrection.
Moving along in this chpt. Martha told her sister Mary secretly "the master is come, and calls for you" In vs.32 when Mary had come to where Yahushua was she fell at his feet and said: "Master if you had been here my brother had not died" (OH NO ... not another one! ) vs. 33 makes a point most of us miss - HIS REACTION TO MARTHA, MARY AND ALL THE YEHUDYM AROUND HIM - He himself groaned in his spirit and was troubled due to the LACK of true FAITH in his abilities given him from his Father after they have seen or heard of miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle! ... wouldn't you weep?
It's strange how we can stand back and spectate and cheer but when it come to US and our loved ones we show doubt in our hearts. He even stated earlier (in vs. 4) " This sickness is not unto death, but for the Glory of ELOHYM, that the son of ELOHYM might be glorified" . Still in vs. 37 there was still some criticism of him from the yehudym causing him to groan within himself again vs. 38.
My question is exactly how much did they then or even we today have to see before we believe! As we finish out this chpt. look at the response in vs. 39 when Yahushua says: "take ye away the stone", Martha after he already explained to her HE was the resurrection still said: "by this time his body stinketh, he has been dead four days". He responded to her: "said I not to thee IF you believed you should see the glory of ELOHYM?".
We should know what happened after that concerning Lazarus being called from the tomb but can we understand why so much teaching, working and miracles can go overlooked at times? After all these people had privy to, they still were able to grieve even the mashiach by one thing A LACK OF FAITH !,
Lets us learn from this as we go forward ..... shalom
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