A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH
In my Solitude
By Emah AtalYah Baht Yehudah
In my solitude with YOU
I am overcome with such a peace
That my heart cries in ecstacy and adoration for only YOU.
The words from my mouth are no longer necessary for my soul takes over:
From whence I lose all control of my senses.
I am caught up in a rapture of Love
And I am lifted and carried away from this world
To a world where I am speechless, motionless, and become transformed
To a state of LOVE
Where the heart can only responds through praise,
thankfulness and happiness beyond all recognition.
I am adrift to all time and space
Yet I am here and there with YOU.
All my senses become diffused and entwined
And my heart bursts forth with such a joy
I cannot explain.
In my solitude with YOU
I am overcome like the darkness which outstrips the day
Or the day over takes the night
Whichever is which I do not know:
I don’t even know what I knew anymore.
I pass somewhere between knowing and realizing
And realizing becomes flying
And flying becomes soaring
And soaring becomes bliss.
In my solitude with YOU
I return back to earth
And walk upon the waters
Remembering our last embrace
And yearn for the favor to return again in prayer.
Shalom weh Todah Zaqayn Akhdah for your kind words. I am so thankful you were lead to
read these few words, but more importantly , you also received joy in reading it. I am
happy you could feet that joy too. HALELUYAH! May THE FATHER BLESS YOU, KEEP YOU
& PROTECT YOU & yours .
Ahavah rabah, Emah AtalYah
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