A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH
Started this discussion. Last reply by AtalYah Baht Yehudah Aug 18, 2013. 2 Replies 2 Likes
In my SolitudeBy Emah AtalYah Baht Yehudah In my solitude with YOUI am overcome with such a peaceThat my heart cries in ecstacy and adoration for only YOU.The words from my mouth are no longer…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda Scott Dec 22, 2015. 3 Replies 2 Likes
Shalom Zaqayn, may YHWH be praised and YOU / FAMILY BLESSED THIS DAY. My questions (1) Are the 7 spirits you mentioned in Rev 1:4, 3:1, 4:5 & 5:6 the same the 7 angels mentioned in Rev…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Shmanu YAH May 8, 2013. 5 Replies 2 Likes
Shalom myshpakhah, may YAHWAH be praised. I pray all believers are well, this blessed evening. I am reading / studying Rev. I'm doing one chapter at a time. I'm asking for understanding, plz. My…Continue
Shalom Myshpakhah, A blessing to be in your company. I look forward to sharing and growing with you all. Abba YAHWAH has brought me a long way from Islam, and I am truly grateful!
Much love,One love in Yahoshua Ha Mashyakh,
Emah AtalYah
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shalom akhoti AtalYah,
I'm glad you got a chance to digest the message: "she loves me ... She loves me not", I know it's much easier to read in the rich text format files I email but I'm glad you got a full understanding either way.
I'm never suprised at your maturity in the word that comes from your humility and much study (I honestly wish more were like you), you always understand the deeper meaning that I attempt to bring as opposed to "churchy" understandings.
It's good we think outside the box so that we don't get trapped in, If we were around at the time Yahushua was speaking in parables, maybe he wouldn't have to simplify it for us like he did his own disciples , ... who knows?
shalom akhoti, I'm glad you were able to digest the message "the Spirit within", I didn't mean it to take uo so much of your time but I did want to be thorough. As usual I'm not suprised you understood the message but there are some that get tossed to and fro with every wind (aka ruach) of doctrine they hear. I like how you were able to add even more scripture to what you read, proving YOU are walking in the SPIRIT OF TRUTH ....haleluYAH!
Like I mentioned at the end of the message, how can we fight a spiritual battle IF we have no spirit to battle with? ....selah
Don't worry about being long-winded, at least you got plenty wind / ruach / spirit to work with!
shalom akhot AtalYah, I pray all is well with you and the household and will soon be even better!
Todah for taking your precious time to respond to the message - I'm honored, and as ALWAYS I'm never surprise you actually "get it". You have shown yourself to have more knowledge , wisdom and understanding than many of the morym, zaqanym & so-called priest in this walk of truth, ... YHWH has continually blessed you!
As to your comment about those that read and don't feel the need to comment on this topic "because we see ourselves in this mirror and we don’t like what we see" ....NUFF SAID! (you hit it head on)
As long as the serious children of YHWH read and understand and make the necessary adjustments - I'm good with it!
As I listed one of the reasons for public confession is to show none of us are yet perfect and we have a support group to help us all get there, YHWH never created us to be independent but to be inter-dependent!
shalommmmmmmmmmmmmmm & YHWH bless
shalom akhoti, as always I'm so glad to hear from you and I'm always encouraged by your understanding of the presentation of wisdom we all receive from on high.
You are so correct in your comments about "motivation" and also we all should examine ourselves if we are not energized from YHWH's spirit and try to remedy our breech in communication! Prayer changes things - and if they don't, it's because of the prayer NOT the Father.
May YHWH continue to bless you and yours and keep you sharp, shalommmmmmm
shalom akhoti,
I'm not at all suprised you read the message: "Lets make a Deal?" with understanding. I give ALL honor, praise and glory to the Most High YHWH for sending his ruach h'emet - spirit of truth & understanding to us that sincerely seek him.
Todah for your response and your perception (as opposed to deception) of why bribery has plagued us from then to now, and as you stated: won't we ever learn?
well at least some of us are trying,
shalom again akhoti,
I apologize for taking so long to get to your last comment and respond, but I'm glad you understood the message (razor shapr or dull understanding) that I was attempting to bring about the age old mass confusion of hair cutting, shaving, etc...
That topic like many others has brought division to our people and has also been a sticking point against our unity. One of these days our people will learn to truly follow YHWH and step away from the perversions of their own self-inflicted doctrines.
be at peace with your wisdom and stray not,
shalom shalom akhoti, YOU are more than welcome and blessed sisters like you make all understanding and efforts worth while.... YHWH bless & shalom.
shalom akhoti AtalYah, sorry it took so long but you are correct as always in your understandings pertaining to those that author confusion - todah YAH for that. And you certainly do understand that the morym and teachers neeed be on 1 accord >>>> YAH's. It is written for a reason: "the spirit of truth will lead you into all truth" (John 14:17, & 16:13) so we can humble ourselves and wait on the perfect knowledge from on High NOT the prideful knowledge from dow low....shalom and YHWH continue to bless
shalom AtalYah, You got all that 100% correct as always, ... why would anybody blow those blessing and advantages like melek Shelom had possibly think they could benefit? Same as today - the rich just want to get richer and the powerful just want to get more power but for what? Todah YHWH that gave us this example to keep our mind on track.... never ever blow the blessings he gives us because nothing good can ever come from that stupidity!....shalommmmm
shalom AtalYah, I couldn't help but to laugh when I saw this question because I know for a fact we have heard "so-called experts" on this matter speak for hours and when they were done we were more confused than when they started ....lol, whew! Anyway:
1) The "children" or "sons and daughters" of men are the descendants from Adam (or what folks today call humans)
2) The "sons of Elohym" are ALL that he created in a higher estate - some still hold that connection (Daniel 3:25), - h'shatan as well others fell "nephalym" and lost that higher estate as you read in the blog.
3) "Watchers" are "sons of Elohym" posted by the most high to intervene or just report back to him the goings on of mankind which these clowns were before they messed up
4)The "Anakym" or GIANTS were the result of the union between the fallen ones and the daughters of men, I got from the book of Jubiless chapters 5and 7, Chapter 5 vs.1
1 And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the angels of Elohym saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful to look upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they bare unto them sons and they were Giants.
5) "men of renoun" is simply another name for "men of name/fame" they earned because of a ability or position.
I mainly got my understanding from reading Book of Enoch , chapters 6-9 >>> http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe009.htm
I hope this helps because I myself dont trust books written today or teachers today that are "experts" until they can prove to us how they sat down and interviewed these super-beings, ....shalommmmmmmmmmm
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