A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH
shalom alychem - peace to all. "ALL praises, honor and glory to the most high YHWH ! " and "baruka ha bo b'shem YHWH"- blessed is your coming in the name of YHWH ->>> that points only to Yahushua.
I pray all is well with you and yours.
It has been quite a while since I last composed in writing some deeper level understanding for the assembly - but it's "high" time that I start addressing some issues that many fail to address thoroughly and with authority. This time around I want to "go in" on that demonic spiritual abominable plague called homosexuality aka LGBT ... or whatever.
Yes it has been prophesied about the condition of the world in these latter days ( Matthew 24:37, Luke 17:26 ), but the true purpose of prophecy is to warn people to keep them from the justified destruction they are headed for ( please go re-read the blog "the purpose of prophecy" at >>> http://yahushuaspeaks.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-purpose-of-prophecy ) But we need to ask ourselves first: for the sake of their very souls - how come we haven't been able to articulate those end time evils and successfully parallel those wrongs in their current lives to the masses in this hour so they can repent?
Although this homosexual and other wickedness is worldwide like we were foretold it would be, I wanted to look at why it shouldn't be tolerated in this so-called Superpower called America where many of us were born.
Part of several plegdes, dedications and quotes in this country include the declaration: "to GOD and Country", but which "GOD" ? ( apostle Paul wrote: there are gods many and lords many - 1st. Cor. 8:5 ) ..... are they referring to "the GOD of this world" OR the most high YHWH? - and if they do mean the most high YHWH then they should seek his instruction and direction from TORAH, not from any county's corrupt leaders or sell-out politicians.
In the torah that instructs us perfectly YHWH teaches:
b'reshyth 2:24, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his WIFE: and they shall be one flesh.
w'yqra / leviticus 18:22, Thou shalt NOT lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
w'yqra / leviticus 20:13, Thou shalt NOT lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
what the heck is so hard to understand from these orders?
Obviously we need to examine the word abomination for clarity, In hebrew the word used is: tow`ebah, pronounced to-ay-baw' ; - ( Strong's 8441 ) feminine active participle of Strong's 8581; - and properly defined as: something disgusting (morally), i.e. (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol:-- abominable (custom, thing), abomination.
the English dictionary defines abomination as:
a noun
1. anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred.
2. intense aversion or loathing; detestation:
3. a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.
2nd Cor. 2:10-11, To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of MASHIYACH;
11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: FOR WE ARE NOT IGNORANT OF HIS DEVICES ( aka: abominable behavior ).
The very word repent or "shuwb" ( Strong's 7725 ) properly applied in hebrew means: to restore ( as in one's soul ) but mainly -> to turn around or turn back (hence, away) as in 180 degrees so as to go in the opposite direction, ...translation: according to the CREATOR - >>> LGBT PROPONENTS ARE GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION !!!
Now here's where it gets a little uncomfortable or confusing for the wicked but makes perfect sense for the wise and obedient, - I would like to re-vist a few excerpts from a blog on our website I did a while back called: "circumcision, lets cut straight to the point" .....a blog that went over many peoples head like a cloud.
In that particular writing I posted:
START EXCERPT ~> Genesis 17:9-14, And Elohym said unto Abraham, "Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. 10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. 11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. 12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed. 13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an EVERLASTING COVENANT. 14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant". .......- STOP!, not only do we see the the command (not suggestion) to circumcise, we also see the purpose >>> to declare a covenant with YHWH !!!. This may not make sense to many but we should read and understand that cutting, or for a more plain understanding: breaching and removing the skin that covers the male's "privy member" is mainly done to whole-heartedly declare a better covering ( from YHWH ) than our human skin could ever provide! ....todah YHWH, ( and here we come thousands of years later and try to cover ourselves with condoms? ---> insane! ).
Notice the wisdom of YHWH to make sure all males are NOT born circumcized, so it's NOT a given - BUT instead a action that must voluntarily be taken to show our allegiance to him. Maybe the "new testament only" readers should check what apostle Paul wrote in Romans 3:1-2, 1 "What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? 2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of Elohym". .......- well, well, well, ~ are the oracles of YHWH important or not? ( please re-read hebrews 5:12 )
As we get back to the relevance of this to circumcision we have to understand that it also requires a "cutting" for a covenant of YHWH and that male child. The main difference when it come to the body part that has been referred to as the "privy member" that I will refer to as the "male member" is: it also has to be cut for serious reason. Just as the most high told Abraham his seed will be blessed, that seed absolutely had to pass through a blood covenant area to make this effective >>> the token area of the "male member". A teaching opportunity from the torah for morality often gets passed by because the men in our society haven't been instructed to take our / their body parts more seriously and reverence the fact that we carry around a covenant token EVERYWHERE we go! - and NOT to pass that very token between us and the most high YHWH around to our "love partners" irresponsibly!
If we were to be honest and sat and thought about everywhere and everybody ( not just who you choose to remember! ) we indiscriminately slung our privy member to.... ( lacking the full understanding that because of carnal lust that seed may pass through our covenant area dedicated to YHWH ), - we all should just fall down wherever we are and repent!. < ~ END EXCERPT
.......so here's my point you need to understand and teach to the gays or homos and their sympathisers now that you understand: THAT THE REMOVED FORESKIN TOKEN AT THE END OF A MAN'S PRIVY MEMBER WE CALL A CIRCUMCISION IS TO BE TAKEN "QADOSH" aka "SACRED" AND NEVER SHOVED UP ANOTHER HUMAN'S ANUS FROM WHERE THE DUNG COMES OUT !!! .....( think on that ). NOT EVEN THE FILTHIEST OF ANIMALS GO ANAL, ( obviously they are not as wicked! ).
I mean really! ->>> How disrespectful can a human be? - Is that what they think of the creator of life and love? ..... I surely bet h'shatan and his followers get a BIG laugh out of that anal insult every time it takes place because he exploits YHWH's greatest creation aka mankind to pervert the covenant, so this is h'shatan's strongest insult against YHWH.
( was it something I said? )
I as well as many others are also personally offended when the spiritually depraved homos, gays, pervs etc., try to compare their sick struggle for acceptance with the historical struggles of people of color worldwide... wth?
The very next time you hear that foolishness make sure you direct those idiots to b'reshyth aka genesis where in plainly states in: 2:7, man was formed from the dust of the earth ( not formed from snow ), ...and YHWH ELOHIYM formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. ...... ~ seeing how the most high made man from dust and named him adam which is a name derived from the same root word used for reddish-brown earth, please explain: how can the creator's rich-colored personal creation he personally breathed life into possibly be compared to a satanically influenced rebellious choice of wickedness he condemns and promises to destroy all those that practice that abomination? ( wheres the logic in the comparison? ).
If we study our language deeper we would learn that the name adam comes from "ad" and "dm" ( Strong's 5703 and 1818 ), ad - properly, a (peremptory) terminus, i.e. (by implication) duration, in the sense of advance or perpetuity (substantially as a noun, either with or without a preposition):--eternity, everlasting, -more, old, perpetually, without end. ......and then: dm - pronounced: dawm, - blood (as that which when shed causes death) of man or an animal; by analogy, the juice of the grape; figuratively (i.e. drops of blood):--bloody ...... ~ so we see his name has a meaning: to continue / perpetuate the blood ( of mankind ) - or some may derive the name adam to mean: continue / perpetuate the people - as in hebrew: "am" ( from Strong's 5971 ), - either way my point is the most high YHWH wants his creation to be perpetuated and blessed and not destroyed like the cursed homo agenda will be, - so there is NOTHING "adam" about gays! ( neither the 1st adam and especially not the 2nd adam ).
Many religious people in these days would rather follow opinions or the wisdom of this world or errant philosophies from their useless so-called spiritual leaders such as the often mis-used statement: "love the sinner but hate the sin" < which is NOT scriptural, but a philosophy of Gandhi from his 1929 biography. By the way - although he possessed some small degree of wisdom Gandhi never claimed to be anyone's salvation!
The most high YHWH always hated sin and has NO love for those that practice it.
Our real plan of salvation >>> Yahushua came to save us from the condemnation of sin IF we repent, ~ thats right , there is NO such thing as forgiveness of sin without repentance and bringing forth fruits worthy of repentance! ( Matthew 3:8, Luke 3:8 ) just try to name just 1 example proving otherwise ( re-read Luke 13:3, 13:5 ). Many claim to be "new testament" christians and think the torah and the "old testament" is done away with but how come they keep ducking:
Romans 1:24-28, Wherefore ELOHIYM also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth ( torah ) of ELOHIYM into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause ELOHIYM gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: ( lesbianism ) 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly ( faggotry ), and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet ( fit / due). 28 And even as they did not like to retain ELOHIYM in their knowledge, EL gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; >>> LGBT
1st Cor. 6:9-10, Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of EL? BE NOT DECEIVED: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, ( sissies ) nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of EL.
.........well pastors?
We know the wisdom of this world is garbage - but instead here are a few of our common sense reasons against homosexuality:
1) If homosexuality is ok, how come the creator of man and earth never sanctified it? ..... ( try and give me book, chapter and verse )
2) If homosexuality is ok, how come the creator of man and earth expressly condemned it? ..... ( leviticus 18:22, 20:13 )
3) If homosexuality is ok, how come all mammals don't practice it?
4) If homosexuality is beneficial, how come it can add nothing to procreation and the continuation of mankind? (b'reshyth 1:28)
5) If homosexuality is logical, how would it's proponents ever have gotten here? .... ( H''SHATAN IS JEALOUS, HE WANTS TO STOP PROCREATION! )
6) If homosexuality is useful, how come it can add absolutely nothing to benefit the earth itself?
7) If homosexuality is a "natural", how come the participants have to be perversely creative and also use artificial sexual aids to do what heterosexuals can do naturally?
8) If homosexuality is correct, how come it's not in the image of the creator?
now ask any LGBT proponent if they care to explain b'reshyth 1:26,
And ELOHIYM said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth" ...... ~ wait a minute, since we are made in the creators image and likeness, >>> when did the creator in mind, body or spirit become homo? ... that demonic accusation is sacrilege! - and I repeat: WE ARE MADE IN HIS IMAGE, HE IS NOT MADE IN OURS!
In even further examination of this torah charge, homosexuals have never ever cared to have dominion over the fish of the sea or fowls of the air or over cattle or creeping things as YHWH created and commanded his loved ones to do, ->>> but would rather rebelliously choose to have dominion over the courts ( to legislate their wickedness ) and the schools ( to pervert the children ) and mass media ( to mind control the sheeple of this country ).
food for thought: Isn't homosexuality a effective deceitful way to reduce OUR population?
And if we really understood the prophecy from Yahushua about "as it was in the days of Noah" :
Matthew 24:37-38, "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
Luke 17:26-27, "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all".
The 120 years Noah spent preaching and warning because the earth was plagued with behavior which disgusted YHWH such as:
eating: consuming anything they could drag across their plate especially unclean things whether cooked or raw and no doubt eating in excess.
drinking: whatever they could concoct to get themselves drunk and out of what was left their minds.
marrying: seems innocent until we re-visit what was written in b'reshyth 2:24 - and realize men were not cleaving to just their wife but as many women as they could from any nation as well as their wife swapping and not to mention what we now call: "redefining marriage" aka "anything goes!" (same sex).
any of that sound familiar?
fact: In the language that the scriptures was given to us in, the word for woman "ishshah" pronounced: ish-shaw' (Strong's 802) is also the root of the word for wife ...now how can a man be a wife?
and to clear up confusion, Shaul / Paul said Yahushua was returning for a "bride" aka assembly of believers without spot or wrinkle, (Ephesians 5:27) not a bunch of women ...selah
Whats really troubling to me is how the pastors and homo proponents have heard or read about what happened to Sodom which was 1 of the 5 cities of the plains.
1) Sodom, Sodoma ( Heb. sedhom: from an unused root meaning to scorch; burnt )
2) Admah ( Heb. ‘adhmah: red earth )
3) Gommorrah ( Heb. ‘amorah: submersion )
4) Zeboiim ( Heb. tsevo’im: gazelles, hyena).
5) Zoar ( Heb. tso’ar: little; alone ) the only of these cities not destroyed
We know the outcome of what transpired as read in b'reshyth 19:1-25,
1 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; ...... ~ wait, why was Lot sitting at the gate of the city?, was he part of the welcoming committee?
2 And he said, Behold now, my masters, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.
3 And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.
4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:
5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. ...... ~ that term "know" in hebrew is yada: meaning to "experience" them.
6 And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,
7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.
8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.
9 And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.
10 But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door.
11 And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.
12 And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:
13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of YHWH; and YHWH hath sent us to destroy it.
14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for YHWH will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.
15 And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city. ...... ~ ( FYI: the suspect book of Jasher chapter 19 vs. 52 tells us Lot's wife was named Ado ).
16 And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; YHWH being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city.
17 And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed.
18 And Lot said unto them, Oh, not so, my YHWH:
19 Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die:
20 Behold now, this city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, (is it not a little one?) and my soul shall live.
21 And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concerning this thing also, that I will not overthrow this city, for the which thou hast spoken.
22 Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do anything till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.
23 The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar.
24 Then YHWH rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from YHWH out of heaven;
25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.
After reading this with sincerity instead of treating it like a fairytale, what would make any LGBT proponent think the Almighty won't destroy the wicked again?.... seeing how history repeats itself:
Ecclesiastes 1:9, The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 3:15, That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and ELOHIYM requireth that which is past. ....... ~ oh oh!
We with serious understanding of the entire scriptures should ourselves be stronger proponents of what the most high YHWH gave us through the prophet YermeYah aka JeremiYah,
In JeremiYah 6:16-19 we read:
16 Thus saith YHWH, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will NOT walk in therein..
17 Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will NOT hearken..
18 Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them.
19 Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have NOT hearkened unto my words, NOR to MY LAW, but rejected it.
Looks like to me many of the cowardly christian pastors and others only care about congregational numbers for the purpose of financial numbers and could really care less about the souls of sinners. It was also well prophesied through YesiYahu aka IsaiYah and is still applicable to this day,
In IsaiYah 9:15-16 it states:
15 The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.
16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed!.
We know of the serpent in the beginning in b'reshyth that deceived chywah and adam teaching lies with his tongue, but all the way to revelation 12:4 we see the serpent still at it through his tail - but this time gathering a large mass of followers ( sound familiar? ) - even one third. Then IsaiYah goes on to make the strongest point dealing with so-called leaders when he reveals who is responsible for the masses to be mis-directed and destroyed - >>> the leaders of this people! aka the popularity seeking torah ignorers.
If there is any truth to 1st John 3:4, "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law". ....... ~ well then those that teach against the law / torah and it's warning against homosexuality are themselves sinners!, YES ->>> WE HAVE TO TELL THEM TO CEASE AND DESIST, BECAUSE MANY PASTORS ACTUALLY TEACH THE MASSES IT IS OK TO SIN AND TO LEARN TO EMBRACE SIN!
question: If 1st Corinthians 6:18 is hard on fornication (and it is), just imagine how much worse homosexuality is >>> " Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that commiteth fornication sinneth against his own body" .....~ so if some think homosexuality is not a sin, then HOW CAN ONE SIN AGAINST THEIR OWN BODY? .....selah
Maybe these so-called friendship seekers that often like to offer out the hand of fellowship irresponsibly need to see if they can apply James 4:4 to themselves as well - because adultery is mainly stepping outside one's covenant relationship with YHWH and his word.
Unlike most failed attempts to criticize or expose homosexuality effectively, this writing cannot scripturally or logically be gainsaid, - so todah YHWH for ALL knowledge, wisdom and understanding !
this blog was written as another laborer's tool to put in your heart and hand, >>> NOW GET TO WORK!!!
selah and shalom.
Todah Rabah for this sharpening tool my Brother Elder; Have added this to my Reference Book and will use it when the subject arises.
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