A Place to fellowship with the humble children of YHWH
shalom mishpacha, baruk h'shem YHWH ... weh baruka h'bo b'h'shem YHWH >>> Yahushua
This is just a short message dealing with something many of us have heard but have NOT yet been shown undisputedly through scripture (1st Thes 5:21, prove all things). We have heard from those that hold fast to a errant teaching: "The 12 Tribes Breakdown / Location" this teaching has been around since the 1960's but has no validation by those that have created it. If you ask the proponents of this doctrine they will quickly point you to scriptures that dont evenly remotely substantiate their position!
Their so-called Tribes of Israel breakdown: Judah = negroes, Benjamin = west indian, Levi = Haitians, Simeon = Dominicans, Zebulon = guatamala/panama, Ephraim = Puerto Ricans, Mannaseh = Cubans, Gad = N. American Indians, Rueben = Seminole Indians, Naphtali = Argentina/Chile, Asher = Columbia/Uruguay, Issachar = Mexicans, - ALL they say are identified through script. Please, let us take a look at these scriptures taken completely out of their intent.
Genesis 49:1-27, Jacob is near death and called his sons together and prophesied their seed's future based on their character traits, the only mention of location is where he is to be buried (vs. 29-30) dont believe me? (go read it).
Also they point to Deut. 28:64-68, Moses is telling the children of Yisrael that YHWH will scatter them from one end the earth to the other and in NO instance does he specify so much as one location! (go read it).
Also they direct you to Deut. 29:28, Where Moses states YHWH rooted them out of their land in anger and wrath .... as it is till this day, still NO mention of modern cultures or location! (go read it).
Even more they point you to Deut. 33:1-25, Where Moses blesses the Tribes, NOT any location across the waters! The only mention of location is vs. 27 in which he states "The eternal ELOHYM is thy dwelling place....." (go read it).
Still yet they point you to Jeremiah 23, Where he warns the pastors that scatter his flock. He states he will set up real shepards and also states he will bring forth a righteous branch and yet the mention of location is only dealing with bringing the children out of Egypt and later out of the North countries where he drove them. Where is the so-called locations of the tribes in this chapter? This chapter is warning against false pastors / prophets (go read it).
Still yet they direct you to Jeremiah 50, which is a prophecy against Babylon concerning the land of the Chaldeans, not even worth posting because it shows Yisrael will be restored from there and NO specific mention of nations across the water (go read it).
Still yet they try and take you to Ezekiel 37, This is another one of those very important chapters dealing with the living again of dry bones (vs. 10) and the restoration of the whole house of Yisrael (vs.12) by the Most High but absolutetly NO mention of a specific location just a bringing back together from wherever they are (vs. 21) to their appointed place (vs. 25). (go read it).
NOT to mention the weak attempt to include Isaiah 11:12, Where the prophet speaks of gathering from the four "knph" extreme parts (not corners) of the Earth. Did they actually believe no one would ever actually read their references? We understand many have a zeal, but NOT according to knowledge (Rom 10:1).
Maybe sooner or later (preferably sooner) these misguided victims will read and understand Titus 3:9, "but shun foolish questionings, and GENEAOLOGIES, and strifes, and fightings about law; for they are unprofitable and vain". We understand many have a zeal, but NOT according to knowledge (Rom 10:1). It's not always our fault when we learn things incorrectly, but we do have a responsibilty especially those that want to teach (James 3:1) to go make sure we dont follow the errant teachings of men.
It is written in Ecclesiasticus 5:12 "If you have understanding, answer your neighbor, if not... lay thy hand upon thy mouth!" ( I wonder why he said that ....lol ).
In conclusion to this short message for clarity let me share with you all - the advice that I take myself, If man's pride has often kept him from admitting he may be wrong it's because he doesn't understand the importance of HUMILITY nor the importance of scripture (as in Ecclesiasticus 10:12) "The beginning of PRIDE is when one departeth from Elohym, and his heart is turned away from his maker".
"If" PRIDE or stubborness has been your beginning, DONT let it be your end!
.... shalom
Shalom, may YAHWAH be praised. Since most of us don't know what tribe we are from, how can we learn ? It's sad we don't know for a surety. Some do know, but the majority don't. It's just a blessing to know our heritage once again. HALELUYAH!
Ahavah rabah B'Yahoshua Ha Mashyakh,
Emah AtalYah
Shalom Akhee ShmanuYAH , May Abba YAHWAH forever be praised. It is a blessing to have Understanding. Todah for what you have shared / validated. Over the years, I often wondered how the 12 Tribes came to be, from this writing, where people claim to have the breakdown. Y'srael would be in a land not their own, knew we would be scattered to the extreme parts of the earth, in captivity, called a byword and all this. But WHO has been so sure to define us as this: Judah>Negroes, etc ??? It would truly be a blessing to know from what tribe we are apart of..but for most of us who have returned to YAH, it's a blessing just to know we are Y'srael. YAH Bless,
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